Colon Polyps – Understanding Colon Polyps and it’s Causes

Understanding Polyps

Polyps are abnormal tissue growths that most often look like small, flat bumps or tiny mushroomlike stalks. Most polyps are small and less than half an inch wide.

What is a Colonic / Rectal Polyp?

A polyp is a projection in the lumen from the inner lining / mucosa of colonic / rectal wall. (Polyp can occur in other places too i.e. gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, uterus, urinary bladder etcetera)

Why does a polyp form inside the large intestine?

There is no specific cause for polyp formation except for those associated with gene mutations & chronic inflammation. High fat diet, excess alcohol, smoking, obesity, infection are few associations. Majority of the polyps are sporadic / isolated in occurrence. Few are part of polyposis syndromes or following chronic inflammation as part of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD – Chrohn’s disease-CD or ulcerative colitis -UC). We are discussing here polyps which are tumors or have developed due to chronic inflammation (IBD).

Patients with certain inherited genetic changes (mutations) can have large number of polyps from young age sometimes from early childhood. This is known as polyposis syndrome. Family members (1st / 2nd / 3rd generation also some times) of these patients may also have this problem or are at high risk to develop polyposis. Patients with inherited polyposis syndrome have involvement of other organ systems too, depending on site of mutation on the genes involved. This includes brain tumors, thyroid cancer, gastric / duodenal polyps, liver tumors etcetera. Occasionally patients without known family history can also have these mutations (sporadic / de novo mutation) and may or may not pass it to the next generation.

In patients with IBD chronic inflammation at some point leads to uncontrolled cell growth and polyp or pseudopolyp formation.

To read more information about Colorectal Polyp / Polyps click here.

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